Κυριακή, 08 Σεπτέμβριος 2024 12:03

Cross - the Embrace of God Κύριο

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 Translation from the book:

Στεργίου ΝΣάκκου, Ὁ Σταυρός στό φῶς τῆς Ἀνάστασης, ἐκδ. «ΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΙΚΗ ΕΛΠΙΣ» ΟΡΘΟΔΟΞΗ ΑΔΕΛΦΟΤΗΤΑ, Θεσ/νίκη 2019, σσ. 50-56.


Stayros 1 Whenever believers begin something new, they have the pious habit of making the sign of the cross. It is a sign of trust in God’s love and power, for in this way they entrust their cares to Him. In the same way, the whole Church makes the sign of the cross at the beginning of its annual work every September, celebrating the glorious Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Since the celebration takes place in the middle of the month, we are urged throughout the month, before and after the feast, to lift our hearts and minds to the raised Cross of our Lord and to implore the sanctification, mercy and grace that flow from it.
   It is a good opportunity that gives us something we need most now that the summer holidays are coming to an end, now that we are going back to our jobs, now that the daily hard work and the struggle to survive are pressing us from within. At this time we need the strong hand of the mighty crucified God to steady us. We need a warm embrace, the heart-warming embrace of the compassionate Jesus. His bleeding hands are wide open on the Cross, reaching out to us and assuring us of the power of His love. “Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. (Eph 5:2).
   The whole world is scented by this sacrifice. The angels praise, creation rejoices and the Church delights, but while all this is happening, selfish man is unaware of it because his spiritual senses are blocked by his “ego”. Nevertheless, the Cross is the most vivid evidence of the divine consent that can gladden the universe. “For behold, through the Cross joy has come to the whole world”, we proclaim in the Easter Prayer, and indeed we are joyful because our soul finds peace under the Cross. Our daily joys become deeper when we realise that they are secured by a sacrifice. And our frequent misfortunes become lighter when we feel that God sympathises with us.
   Life is like a sea, full of storms, but the pious can hold the cross in front of them. In this way, they can stop the waves and walk safely through it, just as Moses parted the Red Sea. When a loved one faces danger, temptation or sickness, in situations where no help can be offered, the pious can cross themselves. The Lord grants victory to His people, just as Moses was granted the victory of the Israelites over the Amalekites. Sometimes people are like troubled travellers in the world, wandering thirstily between ideological and philosophical currents, finally losing their love for life because they cannot find a single drop of water except bitterness and disgust. If they faithfully drop the cross in their anguish, their existence will become sweet like the water of the Merra spring in the desert.
   Our Lord has told us in many ways that He loves us, and He shows us His love at different times in our lives. But what uniquely and unquestionably guarantees His love is the height and breadth of His Cross. If we wanted to distinguish and measure the great revelations of God’s love for humanity, we would highlight five: the creation of the world, the history of Israel, the Holy Cross, the Holy Scriptures and the Church.
   The world is the precious heritage that the Creator has given to His creature, so that its beauty may delight us and its riches nourish us.
   Israel of the Old Testament is our special ancestor who has protected the truth of our descent and divine kinship through the centuries. The miraculous deliverances of the Israelites from their mighty enemies reassure us that we are safe in God’s hands.
   Christ’s revelation of Himself, His name, His glory and His plan for our eternal relationship is our great priceless treasure, deposited in the written Word of God and never to be spent. Our faith in it helps us to live and enjoy here and now, there and forever.
   The Church, the people of God, is our holy family which Christ has made for His children without distinction. His love fills our souls with joy and dispels all fear, for it is from the present to the end of time.
   All these great gifts are given to our lives with the embrace of God. But the Cross is God’s embrace, opened to us who are dirty, wounded or even dead, so that we can be cleansed, healed and resurrected. God hangs on the cross and suffers for us. He takes our wickedness and gives us virtue. He undergoes an adventure not because he owes us anything, but to save us from being lost. He loses His glory and spills His blood to give us glory and life. God becomes man because He wants to make man God, so that we can be with Him forever and have eternal joy. The love that our soul desires is embodied on the Cross. It assumes the dimension of God and is revealed in the face of the crucified Christ, who longs for us.
   In any case, the Cross exists in the depth and essence of all God’s gifts. The Cross holds the Church together, because the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross is the foundation and strength of the Church. God’s plan for our salvation, revealed in Scripture, is contained in the simple form of the Cross. The Cross justifies the purpose of the Church. The Cross sanctifies the universe and reconciles man with his outer and inner world. Creation and history, Revelation and the Church hang from the holy wood on which our Saviour was crucified.
   We too are called to hang from His Cross, however heavy and burdened we may be, so that we may feel light. To put at his root all that troubles us, to open our hearts to His love and our arms to His embrace. This is the love we need to live, as the Apostle Paul says: “And the life that I now live in the flesh I live by the faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Gal 2:20). We cross ourselves, we embrace the risen Cross of the Lord and we are lifted up into His embrace. Let us be carried by His mercy.


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«ΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΙΚΗ ΕΛΠΙΣ» ΟΡΘΟΔΟΞΗ ΑΔΕΛΦΟΤΗΤΑ. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Διαβάστηκε 134 φορές Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Τρίτη, 10 Σεπτέμβριος 2024 14:14
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