Τετάρτη, 07 Αύγουστος 2024 18:03

The Dormition-Assumption of the Theotokos

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Translation from the book:

Στεργίου Ν. Σάκκου, Μηνύματα ζωῆς Β΄, ἐκδ. «ΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΙΚΗ ΕΛΠΙΣ» ΟΡΘΟΔΟΞΗ ΑΔΕΛΦΟΤΗΤΑ, Θεσ/νίκη 2015, σσ. 192-194.


Sleep or Death

  August is the crown of summer and the jewel in this crown is the celebration of our Most Holy Theotokos. It is a little Easter in summer. It is celebrated as gloriously and triumphantly as the celebration of Christ’s Resurrection. This is not an arbitrary choice; in the minds of pious people, this feast associates the word “sleep” with the event of death. Could there be a more desirable message for the miserable man who longs to enjoy his life but he lives every day under the shadow of death?
Koimisi Theotokou  The power of death is, of course, defeated by our Lord Jesus Christ. This victory is experienced and celebrated by the Church when it is realised in the lives of the saints. Everyone who believes in Jesus Christ “has passed from death to life” (Jn 5:24) and has a first experience of the abolition of death. Death cannot hold them captive, nor can their Lord and God. For this reason, the commemoration of the day on which the saints died is not a mournful event, but a celebration. St. John Chrysostom notes that “because the saints loved their Lord, they were willing to suffer sorrows and torments in His name, which made them all the more joyful”.
  Christ’s victory over death is primarily declared by the Dormition of the woman who gave Lord her human flesh so that He could resurrect it and make it non-perishable. She is the saint above all saints and is therefore named “Panagia” in Greek (pano[above] – agia [saint]). There is a clear theological explanation for this. The Orthodox Church proclaims that the Virgin Mary is the symbol of the entire Church and of each pious soul. Every Christian sees themselves as a member of the Church and in the Assumption of God’s Mother, they see their own death as a dormition, a sleep in God’s hands. Therefore, a Christian is freed from the fear of death and renews the hope that their beloved people are sleeping and will resurrect one day. Every Christian can proclaim the confession of our faith, “I am looking forward to the resurrection of the dead” (Symbol of Faith).


Copyright © 2021 by Orthodox Christian Association

«ΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΙΚΗ ΕΛΠΙΣ» ΟΡΘΟΔΟΞΗ ΑΔΕΛΦΟΤΗΤΑ. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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