Σάββατο, 01 Μάιος 2021 14:04

God’s Two Books

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  The world, that surrounds us, is indeed very beautiful! Everything, from the smallest flower to the galaxy, is made with wonderful art and exceptional beauty. Nature looks like a beautiful painting, that God gave to us, His children. It looks not only like a painting but also like a book, like a wonderful and illustrated book! In its pages we can read a great truth, which is not written with words, but with colors and paintings! So, those who are illiterate can also read it.
  But what does this wonderful and illustrated book of nature say? There is a God, omniscient and omnipotent who created the whole world, because He loves us very much!

The creation

  What was there before the creation of the world? Infinite darkness. There was no blue sky, no wide sea, no land with its vegetation. There was nothing, except the eternal and loving God.
  And God said: “Let there be light.” And there was light! By His word the endless darkness disappeared. And then by His Word He created the whole world in six days, in six time periods that we don’t know how long they lasted∙ maybe millions or even billions of years, maybe much less.
• On the first day God created the light and divided the light from the darkness. And He called the light “day”, and the darkness “night”.
• On the second day God made the firmament, and he called the firmament “sky”.
• On the third day God divided the waters from the land. Thus, He separated the sea from the land. Then God said, “Let the earth put forth vegetation, plants and fruitful trees.” And it was so.
• On the fourth day God created two bright stars, the sun and the moon, which determine the day and the night and the various seasons. He also created countless more stars.
• On the fifth day God said and the animals of the sea were created, as well the birds of the sky.
• On the sixth day God said and all the animals of the land were created.
dimiourgia  The last and most perfect creature was man.
  When someone builds a house, there is a purpose for it: to be inhabited. The great architect, the omniscient God, built this wonderful world, this wonderful house, for one and only purpose: to donate it to His child, so that it would become his residence. Man was created by God with special care. He created man’s body out of clay. Then He blew into his face His divine breath and gave to him life and immortal soul. He made him capable of thinking, feeling, talking. He also gave him a companion, so that he would not be alone. He first made him to sleep soundly and then took from his side to create the woman. God called the man "Adam", which means “soil”, and the woman “Eva”, which means "life". Adam and Eva were the first people who were created. They are called forefathers, because they are the ancestors of all men. God blessed them saying: "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and dominate the fish of the sea and the birds of the sky and all the animals of the earth and all the reptiles that are crawling on earth" (Ge 1:28). Humans increase and progress with this blessing up to this day.
  The creation, as we mentioned, was completed in six days. On the seventh day God rested and rejoiced at His creations, as artists rejoice when they finish their work.
  Some, of course, argue that the world was created by chance, without a plan or a creator. Does that seem reasonable to you?
  Imagine that we are exploring a forest. Then suddenly, we can see a house in front of us. We approach it and the door is open, but no one is inside. It is a well-furnished, clean and neat house. It has a table set with hot food and the clock on the wall shows the same time as our watches. What would you say if someone from our group argued: "This house was grown up as a plant here in the desert! Nobody has built it". You would laugh at him, and of course you would consider that claim absurd.
  None of the things that are around us have been done on their own, by chance. Not even a small pencil. Someone invented them and manufactured them. The infinite universe, which exists and moves for centuries precisely and harmoniously, was created by God.
  Once two friends disagreed with each other. The first one was claiming that the world was created on its own, by chance. The second one, who was faithful, tried to convince him that God created the world. So, he asked him:
- Do you like my watch?
- Yes, I do. Is it a present?
- No.
- Did you buy it?
- No! I found it on my hand this morning! I was sitting in my office, which was full of things. And suddenly, a wire, a piece of leather, a glass -and I don’t know what else- assembled on my hand. They created this watch, and its clock hands showed the right time. From that moment on it is operating correctly on its own! Isn’t it incredible?
- Are you kidding? his friend said.
- No, my friend, I just want to explain to you that if it is impossible for a simple watch to be made by chance, how is it possible for the universe, which has been functioning for millions of years like the most miraculous watch with perfect accuracy, to have been created on its own? There is a wise Creator, who created the world and rules it.

The Bible

  The Creator of the world is the only one who can give us information about how the world has been created. No one else was present at the time of creation. Scientists make some assumptions, they formulate various theories, but as time passes, one theory overthrows the other. We are only sure of what God himself has revealed to us.
  How do we know all these things about the creation of the world? How did God reveal them to us? We can read them in God’s book. Except for the wonderful and illustrated book of nature, God wrote for us another book! It is called the Bible or the Holy Scriptures.
  This book stands out from the rest of the books in the world. If we gathered all the books that were written throughout the centuries in a huge stadium they would form a giant pile, a huge mountain. And if we wanted to place on top of the pile the king of the books, we would place the Holy Bible.
  It stands out from the human books because God Himself wrote it! How? He used the hand of the prophets and the apostles. When we were little, our mothers would take our hand to help us write our first letters. It seemed that we were writing them, while in fact she wrote them. That’s what happened with the prophets and the apostles. They wrote the Holy Scriptures, but they were enlightened and inspired by the Holy Spirit. That's why the Holy Scriptures are the only divinely inspired book. Through its pages God Himself speaks to us and reveals to us His eternal truth.
  The Bible is divided into two parts:
a) Old Testament describes God’s revelation in the history of the Hebrew people, before Jesus Christ’s birth and it has 49 books
b) New Testament contains the life and teaching of Jesus Christ and the apostles in its 27 books.

Διαβάστηκε 691 φορές Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Κυριακή, 01 Μάιος 2022 14:25
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